Thursday, June 28, 2012

    Dangit Pete, I just did this great informative blog but don't know where it went!!  Here goes again.  I will be in and out of shop today so for sure opening 4pm until sundown.  Raspberries need picking and I don't have time so you pick and name your price. Prices may be standard in week or so but for now just like to see them used up for more than bird treats!   Jeff planted about 1/2 acre of sunflowers and they are .25 each, cheaper by the dozen!   An idea of items I have besides what you see in pictures is as follows, old industrial office/school furniture, school maps, fans and globes.  2 sets of 4 folding chairs (wood set and black metal set), old linens burlap sacks, old windows, doors, bikes, beds, dressers, side tables, chairs, pictures, frames, chalkboards, mirrors and just so much more!   If you aren't sure where I am located, it's about 1 mile as the crow flies southeast of the Bent and Dent in Amish country.  Please always feel free to call for times and or directions anytime!!  563.203.0586
    Gotta run get this day going ....over and hour on this darn computer..Enjoy your day and try to stay cool and hydrated!  Oh yeah, I usually have fresh raspberry lemonade for your shopping pleasure :)

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