Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Winter Close Out on All kinds of Furnitue for your home, All older pieces. Dressers, Dining Tables, End tables, Bookshelves, Chairs, ETC!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Happy Birthday to me....ugh!  Still working hard on cleaning out sheds preparing for Halloween party and winter. Of course I can't contain myself when I see yard sales or auctions so getting in new items (actually Old items) often.  The Exchange in Cresco is now consigning some of my larger pieces, dressers, side tables, cabinets....just come and see for yourself.  As of Sept. 1, I signed a contract with Christine Miner owner of  The Exchange for a one year third partnership of all consigned arts and crafts.  Brittany Chipera remains a partner and Mel Shelton has joined as well.  We all have a financial interest  so working hard to make it happen. Not sure I wanted to go there but only for a year and who knows..... If you are local and haven't been there, it's quite the place!!!! We have some great vendors with awesome creativity!!!!  Located on Hwy 9 in Cresco, Iowa in the old quilt shop next to the Chamber.  Any Q's or A's    563.203.8017

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

     The Blue Gate will be open all day today, August 21st.  If you are heading for the Bent and Dent, this is a must stop.  Must get rid of all inventory in shop getting ready for Halloween party!  Still wondering what goodies I have?? Pretty much everything you see is for sale....except Jeff's farm stuff :) (I guess for the right price we can sell those too).  If you need additional directions besides what's posted in blogs, feel free to call.  Thanks and have a terrific week!    Linda

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

ORONOCO GOLD RUSH DAYS Coming Soon and I have Inventory for Dealers!  Post Pictures soon. The Blue Gate, 6 miles from Cresco and 6 miles from Lime Springs on A-23.  563.203.0586

Sunday, July 8, 2012

     Having fits trying to move pictures where I want them, no more time to mess with it.  Out working in shop, super weather finally!! Opening shop today, Sunday until around 8pm

Thursday, July 5, 2012

    Hey folks!  I bought a cheapo camera so loading photos will be so much easier than trying to learn smart phone,  Seems I can only learn one electronic device at a time.  Anyway here are some updated pictures.  Finally getting around to painting some frames, just been too darn hot and humid to do anything never mind painting!  I don't understand why it's so humid when it hasn't rained in weeks.
      I sure wish i could get this text to go down and over some.  That's a job for Hannah D. and another lesson on blogging for me!
it wants to cooperate, maybe I don't need Hannah after all. :)   I will be restocking these next several days at antique booth, Generations of Harmony and in Unique Boutique of Cresco.  Going out of town to see grand kids. There will be a caretaker staying at the farm however the shop will be closed until early August.  I will be in and out so do call so you don't waste a trip.  Remember, a great time to stop is when you plan that grocery trip to the bent and dent.  A good landmark for my place is next door to where the Amish are building a barn in my front yard!  Keep Cool Literally!!!        THANKS for viewing!   Linda
    After looking over Blog I found that I had my husband's phone # instead of mine! What a Dork!  It is corrected and once again MY # is 563.203.0586.   Call anytime for great vintage and contemporary furniture, home & garden decor and much more!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

    Dangit Pete, I just did this great informative blog but don't know where it went!!  Here goes again.  I will be in and out of shop today so for sure opening 4pm until sundown.  Raspberries need picking and I don't have time so you pick and name your price. Prices may be standard in week or so but for now just like to see them used up for more than bird treats!   Jeff planted about 1/2 acre of sunflowers and they are .25 each, cheaper by the dozen!   An idea of items I have besides what you see in pictures is as follows, old industrial office/school furniture, school maps, fans and globes.  2 sets of 4 folding chairs (wood set and black metal set), old linens burlap sacks, old windows, doors, bikes, beds, dressers, side tables, chairs, pictures, frames, chalkboards, mirrors and just so much more!   If you aren't sure where I am located, it's about 1 mile as the crow flies southeast of the Bent and Dent in Amish country.  Please always feel free to call for times and or directions anytime!!  563.203.0586
    Gotta run get this day going ....over and hour on this darn computer..Enjoy your day and try to stay cool and hydrated!  Oh yeah, I usually have fresh raspberry lemonade for your shopping pleasure :)

Monday, June 25, 2012

      Hey again! Really taking advantage of nice weather and the fact that my back is feeling 90% better. Busy, busy, busy uncovering years of collecting stored in several buildings here on the farm.  Looking like I will be open Thursday & Friday all day. I apologize ahead of time for I am still learning the best ways to blog and post pictures. Not the best on computer but here goes...

   The Blue Gate open today and tomorrow noon until 7pm at my home farm 6 miles northwest of Cresco.  Past the Granger turnoff then south on Unity Ave. , first and only place on right.
   I work very part time at Unique Boutique in Cresco, Iowa, usually Wednesdays and when Mindy needs to be away from shop for a short time.  If you find yourself out here in Amish country at odd hours chances are I am home therefor you are more than welcome to stop by and look around.  That is the big advantage of having shop at home, flexible hours for not so flexible folks!  I do not have signage yet so feel free to call if need be.  Thanks for viewing and hope to see you out here soon!  Linda

Pick & Pay
Bring Your Own Vase    

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Rustic Home & Garden

Just a few of my seasonal items displayed along with this cute little kitchen table.  Currently have several chest of drawers, side tables, chairs, beds, etc. ready for a new look.  I can custom paint any furniture to enhance your decor.  The Blue Gate will be open tomorrow, Monday June 11 from noon until 7:00 pm and the following Sunday and Monday, same hours.  Thanks for checking out my Blog and happy decorating!!  

Will be open Tuesday, June 12, noon-7pm

Friday, June 8, 2012

     Do what you love and love what you do.  After 32 years of yard sales, auctions, estate sales and yes, even dumpster diving; I have finally learned to do just that.  With the life long artistic ability of my mother in Taos and sister in Jersey I quickly acquired  skills and talents to create and or re-purpose unusual finds.
      My husband Jeff from SE Minnesota, son and myself landed in rural NE Iowa after Jeff's 24 years of military service.  We purchased a hobby farm only because the price was to good to pass up and settled in acquiring animals, crops, fruits, vegetables, flowers and more during the past 7 years.  Eight buildings house all of my fun vintage finds and one of which I now use as my showroom/workshop.  As well as my shop on the farm I currently have inventory at Generations of Harmony, an antique mall in Harmony, Minnesota and Unique Boutique in Cresco, Iowa.