Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Winter Close Out on All kinds of Furnitue for your home, All older pieces. Dressers, Dining Tables, End tables, Bookshelves, Chairs, ETC!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Happy Birthday to me....ugh!  Still working hard on cleaning out sheds preparing for Halloween party and winter. Of course I can't contain myself when I see yard sales or auctions so getting in new items (actually Old items) often.  The Exchange in Cresco is now consigning some of my larger pieces, dressers, side tables, cabinets....just come and see for yourself.  As of Sept. 1, I signed a contract with Christine Miner owner of  The Exchange for a one year third partnership of all consigned arts and crafts.  Brittany Chipera remains a partner and Mel Shelton has joined as well.  We all have a financial interest  so working hard to make it happen. Not sure I wanted to go there but only for a year and who knows..... If you are local and haven't been there, it's quite the place!!!! We have some great vendors with awesome creativity!!!!  Located on Hwy 9 in Cresco, Iowa in the old quilt shop next to the Chamber.  Any Q's or A's    563.203.8017